OK, so I'm sure all you readers here at the HQ blog are SICK TO DEATH of hearing about my damn cage skirts, but bear with me a little longer. Miss Susie Bubble herself was in Stockholm this past weekend to view the F/W09 Acne clothing collection,. Acne is the company that inspired many a girl to covet the cage skirt when they showed it on their SP08 runway, but decided not to produce it for stores! Well, Susie, being the fiesty lady she is, decided to bring the point home by wearing the floral cage skirt I designed for her to the show itself, and made a point of explaining its origins to every curious show-goer that asked her about it, here's her response to their questions:
"I have a bone to pick with Acne. I saw the cage skirts in the SS08 show and waited and waited, and it never turned up in-stores online or in London. So a friend of mine (that's you Angie...!) made this for me....".

That's right Susie, tell those fashion people what the public wants! All jesting aside, I think this cage skirt outfit is my favorite one so far, and she was shot by a few street-style blogs, resulting in some GORGEOUS photos, which makes the whole thing all the better of course.

Read the whole article on StyleBubble HERE.
Soooo NOT tired of hearing about this!! It just keeps getting better & better!!
Seems like Jean Paul Gaultier and you are on the same cage love affair. His couture collection was full of them.
I know! It's so weird how this random cage idea is growing....
You are amazing!
I'd never thought I'd want a cage skirt but the one you made for susie is just so pretty.
I've been looking at cage skirts to help with a ero lolita look I'm trying to create and I found this great blog :)
I love ur version of a cage skirt though :)
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