(that's Starbuck, the town I'm from, NOT "Starbucks" the coffee shop, smartie pants.)
We did it, we survived yet another trip to the Peg. So nice to see all the family and friends, and have everyone else cook for us (oh wait, I don't cook here either, thanks Tyson!). A HUGE thanks to Marc Simard for watching the shop AND our dog while we were gone, we owe you!
I went to one of my favorite secret places for fun old things, and boy oh boy, do we have some goodies for you guys!
-Vintage high waisted jeans. check.
-Fabulous vintage shoes and booties. check.
-Vintage fabric for me to sew lovely things out of. check.
I'll try to post some pics and more info about these wonderful things this week. For now, pop in and check out all the new fall stock we received from pretty much every single one of our indie designers! Tyson is freaking out trying to get everything into the inventory system, and is probably running around in circles right now trying to find a place for everything.
Glad to be back, we missed you all!
LOL! I'll give y'all a break and bring new stuff next week instead! hehe :) Keep space for me! lol
Will do! looking forward to seeing the new stuff!
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