Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Cage Saga continues...

So for those of you who remember my post about the cage dress I made for Susie Bubble, and the tragedy of the lost cage skirt, have no fear, the tale has a happy ending!

While out shopping for some trims for another custom job I was working on, I came across this amazing floral trim, and I thought "well, this has Susie Bubble written all over it, and it's practically custom made for a cage skirt, it must be a sign". So I promptly snapped it up, whipped up the skirt, threw it in the post and hoped for the best.

Well, today's the day it's arrived safely, I can now sleep soundly... and everyone lived happily ever after.

The end.

For those wondering, I've also added the cage skirt to my Etsy shop here
The one I have listed is a small, but I'm doing custom skirts as well, weee!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am really enamored with your cage creations. Please let me know if you create any more.