The Kingdom of Style that is...
KOS is one of my favorite fashion blogs (I've definitely mentioned it before). Run by the lovely Queens Michelle and Marie and based out of Glasgow, Scotland I really enjoy the mature and thoughtful take on fashion that they present. Michelle posts during the week and has a dark, minimal yet intricate aesthetic and is known for her outfit posts, while Marie posts on the weekends and gives us wonderfully dreamy and whimsical posts on anything from tea parties and chandeliers to jewelry and art exhibitions. Driven by personal taste, rather than strictly trends, these two put me into a wonderful fashiony happy mood.
Recently I was inspired by THIS POST by Queen Michelle to start making some super luxe style leggings (which I posted about HERE recently). Since Michelle was truly the inspiration for this mini collection, I thought it would be a great idea to surprise her and send her a couple of pairs. With the help of Queen Marie I procured her address and popped a secret package in the mail.

ALSO, in pure coincidental fun-ness, KOS also just did a post on Montreals very own Valerie Dumaine! It appears Valerie has cracked the UK market by selling her wares in the online shop Coco Career. Michelle ran into her new leatherette jacket on the site, and the rest is history.
Check out the KOS post on Valeries collection HERE, as well as Valeries own website HERE
These leggings are AMAZING! Saw them on Kingdom of Style and totally, totally want a pair now.
Hi Modern Guilt, I bookmarked your blog, but now I'm blind from reading your white text on a black background. ;)
Great blog though, I'll be back!
ps. love the pic of you and Karl, you look so happy together!
amazing! and did you see the leggings she made from that holey fabric? loving all of this!!
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