If you're looking for something really special and different for a Christmas present a beautiful little handpainted domino pendant from Odd Bird might be the perfect thing!
We just received some new stock, and although I haven't seen them yet in person, Tyson assures me they are super fabulous (his words, not mine ... ahem)
One of the nice things about them is that you can completely change their look depending on what kind of cord/chain you put them on.
- For a feminine/dressy look, a simple 3/4" wide black satin ribbon is gorgeous.
- If you're looking for a metal ring sort of thing like in the pic, you can usually find one at any jewelry supply store, or even at Claire's, Ardene or maybe even a dollar store. Just rip off the ugly glittery "you go girl" pendant that is likely hanging off it and throw on your Odd Bird one.
- Basic and simple, a chain works for most people, you probably even have one sitting around your house that you could use.
- A friend of ours even threw his on a shoelace we had laying around the store and called it a day.
Come down to HQ anytime and we'll be happy to show you the new designs!
Ok now I've seen them, and they're great. We have 3 new kilt pin brooches (one has the most adorable love birds on it, and one has this great 50's ish skier guy)
We also have more pendants that show the dots of the domino combined with an image, a great fox pendant, the fabulous deer with antlers that turn into branches, and so many more I can't mention them all here.
Come down and see for yourself dammit!
Post pics of them kilt pins....
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